Work related to buildings or structures built on land (starting from the coast) as a support for the exploration and exploitation process activities, generally for Oil and Gas.

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Work related to buildings or structures built on sea (starting from the coast) as a support for the exploration and exploitation process activities, generally for Oil and Gas.

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Metal fabrication is a metal production process which includes, among other things, engineering, cutting, forming, joining, assembling or finishing. In industrial terms, this activity refers to metal building structures with stages of cutting, bending, and also assembly.

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Our company also provides services in the form of supply.

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Non Destructive Testing (Ultrasonic Testing Flaw detection, Ultrasonic Thickness  Gauging,  Corrosion  Inspection,  Radiography  Testing,  Magnetic Particle Inspection, Penetrant Testing, Eddy Current Testing, Visual Inspection, Hardness Testing, Crack Depth Measurements, Positive Material Identification, Advance NDT).

Industrial rope Access Services (fabric maintenance, mechanical and construction,  Rigging  and  liGing,  electrical  EX  inspection,  Non-Destructive Examination,  welding/plating,  dropped  object  surveys,  Installation  and Decommissioning, LOLER inspection, Derrick Inspections).

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